Ilya Silchukou & Pavel Nersessian

The creative partnership between baritone Ilya Silchukou and pianist Pavel Nersessian began in the fall of 2021 in Boston, quickly captivating audiences and expanding to chamber venues along the East Coast, including New York, New Jersey, and Brighton. Their performances have been met with glowing reviews from critics and standing ovations from audiences.

This duo stands out for its unique blend of vocal and solo piano pieces, all united by a shared artistic vision. Their repertoire features some of the most celebrated works in classical music, including vocal cycles and selected piecesby Franz Schubert, Robert Schumann, Gustav Mahler, Stanisław Moniuszko, Mikhail Glinka, Pyotr Tchaikovsky, Sergei Rachmaninoff, Dmitri Shostakovich and Georgy Sviridov.

Their performances showcase not only technical brilliance but also a deep emotional connection to the music, offering
audiences an unforgettable and immersive musical journey.

Belarusian baritone Ilya Silchukou is an internationally sought-after performer known for his compelling Kavalier
baritone voice and dramatic interpretations have led him to Europe’s most prestigious operatic stages. The winner of many international vocal competitions, including H.G.Belvedere Competition in Vienna, CLIP in Portofino, Ilya enjoys his career at the most prestigious opera houses across Europe,including Teatro alla Scala Milano, Teatro dell’Opera di Roma, Royal Opera La Monnaie, Theátre du Capitole de Toulouse, Israeli Opera Tel Aviv, Teatr Wielki Warsaw and many others.

Ilya’s Lied repertoire includes among others F. Schubert’s selected pieces, Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen by G.Mahler and Dichterliebe by R.Schumann; S. Moniuszko’s Lirnik, M.Glinka’s Fairwell to Petersburg, P. Tchaikovsky’s and S.Rachmaninov’s selected romances, G.Sviridov’s Russia cast away and the Petersburg, Shostakovitch’s Michelangelo and The Crocodile.
more about Ilya…

Being one of the most remarkable pianists of his generation in Russia, Pavel Nersessian is known for his ability to play equally convincingly in the whole palette of the piano repertoire. He won prizes in the Beethoven Competition in Vienna in 1985, the Paloma O’Shea Competition in Santander, and the Tokyo Competition.
He is known for his collaboration with chamber music groups and other musicians, such as Borodin and Glinka Quartets, National Symphony Orchestra in Russia, Thomas Sanderling, Tugan Sokhiev, Alexandr Chernushenko, Valeriy Polyansky, Mikhail Agrest, Pascal Moragues, Julius Milkis, Evgeny Petrov, Pavel Kogan, Abel Perreira, Benjamin Schmid, Mikhail Bereznitsky, Maxim Emelyanychev, Philippe Cassard, and many others. He has recorded numerous disks with compositions of Chopin, Schumann, Schubert, Brahms, Tchaikovsky, Beethoven, Shostakovich, and he has given masterclasses in the USA, Russia, Estonia, Kazakhstan, Ireland, Germany, Spain, Italy, Korea, Brazil, and Japan.
Pavel works as a professor of piano in Boston university, New England Conservatory and a jury member in many international piano competitions worldwide.
more about Pavel…

Schumann : Dichterliebe, Rachmaninov : Romances