Léontine Maridat Zimmerlin

Léontine Maridat-Zimmerlin, has been singing  from a very early age as she was a member of the children’s choir of Regional Conservatory of Paris (CRR). With them she also performed as a soloist in numerous concert in France,  Vienna, Geneva, Aarhus…

She graduated  in musicology in 2020 from the Sorbonne University and in singing in 2023 from the National Conservatory of Music in Lyon (CNSMDL) under the guidance of Sophie Marin-Degor and  Hélène Lucas. She is now in master degree at the National Conservatory of Music in Paris (CNSMDP) with Frédéric Gindraux.

In 2022, Léontine Maridat-Zimmerlin won 3 prizes at the Gordes International Melody Competition , including the « Karine Deshayes » special prize. In 2023, she won the Grand Prize in Contemporary Music as well as the « Generation Opera » Prize at the International Georges Enesco Competition ; the Special Prize for the best interpreter of French repertoire at the Raymond Duffaut voice competition in Avignon. In November 2023, she is invited to Canada for the international gala of the « Jeunes Ambassadeurs Lyriques » in Montréal.

She is also a 2024 laureate of the Fonds Tutti and appeared in their gala concert at the Théâtre de l’Athénée in Paris,  singing in duets with mezzo Clémentine Margaine and soprano Olga Bezsmertna.

On stage with the CNSMDL, she sang the roles of Zweite Dame / Die Zauberflöte and Oreste / La Belle Hélène.

In the 2024-2025 season, she sings Cherubino / Nozze di Figaro at the Paris Philharmonie and the CNSMDP and make her debut at Sevilla Teatro de la Maestranza in a recital about Virignia Woolf with British Renaissance music. She also joins the Académie de l’Opéra Comique for one year and sing in Glück’s Merlin ou le renversement du monde and cover the role of Brigitte de San Lucar in Auber’s Domino Noir, while pursuing her master degree at the Paris Conservatoire.


Representation : General Management

Thomas : Mignon

Humperdinck : Hänsel und Gretel

Rossini : Otello

Fauré : Pleurs d'or